Why is Nectar For The Gods not in a 3 part series?
It can be a 3 part nutrient if you use the original formula. We have found however that the additional products have made it possible for the gardener to enhance and push certain stages of the plants life by providing specific elements to be used to enhance different aspects of the plants. When we try to blend all of these different products together we find, through chemistry, that elements bind together and get locked out. So instead of cramming everything into one bottle and listing all those ingredients that your plant can’t get, we have created a concentrated version of each specific nutrient. We also use so many different forms of calcium from different sources, it would be difficult to stabilize them universally. By making different products we are offering a more available meal to your micro-organisims and plants.
Why are microbes important and how do I feed them?
Microbes are the key to making nutrients available to the plant by complexing (chelating) these nutrients in organic forms that are immediately available to the plant. They are also responsible for creating humus from unavailable complex carbohydrates and proteins. Many microbes colonize at the tips of your root systems to promote plant feeding and to protect your plants from soil born diseases and fungi. All around, the more balanced your microbial field is the healthier the plants will be. You feed these microbes by adding carbon in elemental form (C), or as sugars, carbohydrates, proteins, and enzymes. This is what a carbon chain molecule looks like (C – C – C – C).
Why are there so many sources of calcium?
Plants, like you and I, do not like to feed on the same diet of Calcium everyday. It would be like eating spinach or carrots everyday for all of your calcium needs. If you ate carrots everyday your skin could turn yellow or with spinach you may get an over dose of Iron. Or, like going to the chinese buffet and being told that you can only eat the shrimp and not the rice or noodles. Diversifying the calcium sources allows your microbes and plants alike to choose which one they want, when they want it.
What is Chelation?
Chelation is a process of microbes breaking down elements in order to make nutrients stable and available to the plants. This gives the nutrients, over all, more energy (entropy) that plants can use to grow. One base nutrient is a mineral (rock) fraction of soluble elements that you will find in all soil.
The other base nutrient is the organic fraction of soluble and suspendable proteins – humus that you will find in all soil, except possibly where no rain falls.
Do I need to use the entire line of Nectar For The Gods?
No, it is not necessary to use every product in the line to produce healthy productive plants. The beginner level recipe provides a well rounded balanced nutrient to meet all your plants basic needs. However, in order to get the most diversity and forms of calcium and nutrients, it is worth it to use all of the products. By using the full recipe it allows your plants to reach their maximum potential without stressing them out.
Why isn’t Nectar For The Gods OMRI listed?
Because we use mineral based calcium sources as well as carbon based forms, we can not, by definition, certify as organic. To be certified organic it would have to be 100% carbon based ingredients.
Why is pH meter important with this nutrient line?
Because we use a plethora of organic acids and chelating materials the pH levels tend to be on the low side. By design, we make our products acidic out of the bottle for two main reasons.
1). Having a low pH in the bottle helps preserve the product or put it to sleep without the use of salts or other cheating agents.
2). Starting with a low pH allows gardeners to use our Olympus Up product to raise their pH which also adds the benefits of another calcium source. When your pH is around 6.2 – 6.4, it allows most nutrients to be available to the plant and microbes. You can drop the pH to 6.0-6.2 in order to make phosphate more available. Or raise it up to the 6.4-6.8 to make calcium more available. Reference the pH scale chart to see what pH individual elements are most available.
Can I test ppm’s in organics?
Yes, PPM is an electrical conductivity test. Organic molecules do carry an electrical charge, therefore you are able to check the ppm’s or EC of organic nutrients.
Can I run Nectar in my hydroponic system?
Not all hydroponic systems are the same, so it depends on what style one uses. Being organic and thicker then your conventional salt based liquid nutrients, the most important feature to have in your reservoir is an agitation pump as well as an aerator ie….air stones, air pump.
Run to waste systems – works great!
Re-circulating systems – very important to have aeration and agitation to keep the nutrients from going anaerobic and from binding together and locking up. Please note however, we enhance the aromas of the nutrients with mint oils so they are more pleasant. When poured into and circulated in a reservoir, the mint will gass off and the natural aromas of the organic materials will present themselves. Do not panic when wretched smells come from your reservoir.
Aeroponics – Not recommended. This line is too thick for misters and emitters.
Why does Pegasus Potion smell so bad?
Because it is an extremely small protein chain which is very unstable and hard to preserve. Being non-polar (without an electrical charge) it will not allow itself to be chelated or made into a larger protein chain. Because it is so available, your plants can use it without a microbial presence. Try foliar feeding Pegasus to get an even quicker response.
What products are the primary veg nutrients?
Medusa’s Magic was our original growth formula and has the highest levels of nitrogen than any other product in this line. When accompanied with Zeus Juice and Athenas Aminas, you will see plant production that is strong and healthy. Organic acids such as humic and aminos allow your plant to naturally build cells at a healthy pace without elongation or stress.
Why is the N-P-K so low on Nectar For The Gods Products?
The N – P – K is so low because the calcium is so high. The presence of high levels of calcium allows other nutrients to be brought into the plant by attaching themselves to one of the many forms of calcium that we use. We use calcium as our energy source instead of nitrogen. Nitrogen, which is primarily a water cell, gives you leggy succulent plants susceptible to insect and diseases. With more Calcium, which is primarily a mineral source, your plants will grow thick and robust with stronger cell walls and the ability to naturally fend off pests and disease.
Can I mix Nectar For The Gods with salt based (chemical) fertilizers?
Yes, it is possible to blend conventional and organic nutrients together. Because of the chelation process of Nectar For The Gods, you can still feed your plants without a huge microbial base in your medium. Although we promote organic gardenening, we understand that sometimes it is hard to steer away from the old standards. By using some of the additives to your existing line you will only help improve the quality of the plant and what it produces.
Are your ingredients sustainable?
We spend time sourcing out commodities that are from the bi-products of different industries. Most of our raw materials were the waste materials from sources such as the food, cosmetic and paper industries.
Why do Nectar For The Gods Nutrients smell minty?
We mask the true smell of our organics with concentrated spearmint. We do this for a couple of reasons: The 1st reason is so the smell of pre-digested organics doesn’t overwhelm the gardener when they open up a bottle of Nectar For The Gods, and 2nd it has been known that mint oils help deter pests in organic gardening
My bottle of Herculean Harvest smells really bad, has it spoiled?
Being that bone meal is an organic material from an animal, it has a tendency to smell worse and worse as you open up the lid. What is happening is that the spearmint is off gassing every time you open the lid until one day there will be no more mint in the bottle and you will be left with the smell of road kill. This doesn’t make the product bad. Things to look for after opening the bottle multiple times is if the bottle swells over night and has an ammonia-ish smell. It has then spoiled. This will be true for most of the product line with the exception of Pegasus Potion, which always smells no matter what we do.